New to Canada
Tailored Mortgages is well adverse on helping New-to-Canada clients.
I you have any questions at all, we always recommend booking a call to discuss.
Windmill Financial - New to Canada Microlending for New to Canada individuals who are looking to advance their careers and get Canadian accreditation, training and career development.
This is excellent for New To Canada clients, as the monthly payment on these loans typically do no affect their debt ratios that much and help them get more income in the future.
More links for New to Canada information...
Sagen - New to Canada video for 5% down payment purchases within the first 5 years of moving to Canada.
Prohibition on the Purchase of Residential Property by Non-Canadians Act
ScotiaBank StartRight Banking Info
* New to Canada individuals are also eligible for the First Time Home Buyer Incentive Program

First Time Home Buyer
Being a first time home buyer is exciting and overwhelming at the same time. You have planned and dreamed of it for so long that when the time has come to finally make the biggest financial decision of your life, it all seems so surreal! I can help you start the process of home ownership and build a foundation for a better future.

Purchase Plus Mortgage
Home buyers are often unaware of the various mortgage products available to them, some of which can assist in the final decision of which home to purchase. Some of these products are only available through a mortgage broker, as all lenders do not carry the same products.

Investment Property
Just like purchasing a home for yourself, investing in a property involves several factors that should be considered before moving forward. These factors can determine the return on investment on the property. Depending on your goals and needs, it is important to look into the variables when choosing to invest your money in a property.